Travel Scrapbook
Vacation IdeasI have always been a dreamer. Some would say that I live in my own little dream world. Whether or not that is true is debatable but one thing that is certain is that I have always been fascinated by other cultures. I believe this fascination began in my secondary school French class. I had an amazing teacher who would often discuss what it was like growing up in France. I was mesmerized by her enchanting stories!
Years later, I began creating a scrapbook of places I had visited but more importantly of places that I wanted to visit. Of course France was on the top of my list but my travel wish list also included many countries and states within the United States. I have been very fortunate to have been able to visit many of the locales within my ever growing travel wish list. I have also included within my travel scrapbook information on local customs and phrases. I have always treated visiting other countries with the same respect as if I were visiting a home of someone which has served me well in my travels!